Thursday, May 27, 2021

Aged Care Facilities |Brisbane Aged Care Lawyer


  • Are You Considering Buying or Selling an Aged Care Facility? Needing to find the best Aged Care Lawyers?
  • Are You Needing To Formulate An Agreement And Don’t Have An Experienced Aged Care Lawyer Onside?

If so, getting the right legal advice before you even submit or accept an offer is critical.
It is important from the beginning to ensure that:

  • The transaction is structured correctly to manage liability to Transaction Duty;
  • There is a method for setting the price providing for movements in Accommodation Bonds and Employee Entitlements;
  • Thorough due diligence requirements are provided for;
  • All necessary regulatory approvals and other requirements are addressed.

There are various added fees for residential aged care facilities, and they are often arranged according to your financial situation. This is important to discuss as you commence your journey to look into various facility options. These fees help to cover the costs of daily living and extra care, as well as your accommodation. Some aged care facilities are means-tested, meaning they will vary their required financial contribution based on your income, assets, and government subsidies.


A further point to consider when choosing among different aged care facilities is the extra services they may or may not provide. This can include varying standards of accommodation, facilities, food, and or services. These additional services do cost more, and like most considerations should be optioned for the comfort, financial position, and well-being of the resident.

Investigating alternate aged care facilities Gold Coast by way of a consultation appointment can help to clarify what the facility can provide. This also provides a key opportunity to inspect the facility, helping you to decide if it will be an appropriate, comfortable home.

Article Source: Aged Care Facilities

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